Enjoy Your Fall Mums Longer

Chrysanthemums are the perfect addition to Fall decorations. Their gorgeous colors pair perfectly with pumpkins and gourds, and they look great in the house, on the porch, or in your Tarter planter. Sadly, their blooms are often short lived.  We hope these tips will help you enjoy the mums in your fall displays even longer….

Seed Saving

Seed saving is easy, rewarding, and can help you become even more self-sufficient.

Peas and the Arrival of Spring In the Garden.

The taste of farm grown peas – whether they come from your local farmer’s market or one’s own garden plot – speaks the beginning of the growing season. Peas are a cool season crop, meaning they need to be grown and harvested before the hot temperatures arrive. The timing for each garden/planting zone varies. Starting…